Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Away Rotations

The Fiance is preparing to apply for away rotations...

Helpful MD track definitions:
Away Rotation: AKA "aways"...A 1(ish) month trial period at hospitals around the country applied for and completed during medical school in years 3/4 in the specialty of your choosing

Residency: Applied for during year 4 of med school. Interviews held in the winter of ms4. Match Day (AKA "The Match")  in March of MS4 is when you find out where you will complete your training immediately after graduating med school. Residency is 3 years for non surgical specialties and 5-6 years for surgical specialties. See the tab "When I Grow Up" to understand more about the residency application process.

 I am very grateful he asks my opinion where to do "aways"! From what I understand, doing an away rotation  gives you a leg up on the competition for interviews for residency at that particular hospital. Although I am very confident in his CV, very bit helps to ensure you get your top choice for "The Match". He has told me that his impression from people who have gone through this process is to NOT limit yourself. If a hospital for the residency applications see that you have only done away rotations in the Mid West then they interpret it as you are not willing to move; thus, they don't rank you or even invite you to interview. It would be in his best interest to spread out his away rotations to make sure places know he is willing to commit and move. These "aways" are quite pricey though. Each rotation cost $2000 to be there added to finding an apartment for the month, car rental, plane tickets, etc. He is looking to stay with friends or family.

This weekend we narrowed it down to an away at Mount Carmel Hospital in Columbus (since my job is near) and one in either Miami or Orlando. No guarantee he will be accepted into these hospitals for "aways" though. Updates to come!
Wouldn't this be nice!? (writing this in the dead of winter in Ohio)

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