I pretty excited that Kari Wells from Married to Medicine tweeted
a link to this blog!! (Who knows if this is even her texting or some PR rep.?)
This Married to Medicine show has me interested. Is it
realistic? Likely not. I feel like the doctors come from money already. Bah! …
Or it might be the little part of me that says “you will be paying off school
loans forever and will never get to that level in society.” I mean- who am I to
comment!? Not having cable to save for my upcoming wedding (mind you I’m a
teacher) has led to reading up online about the show. Thank goodness for the free episode on itunes! From what I gather
many people in the medical community have some pretty serious reactions to the
show. At any rate, I found it addicting. I will likely be buying the entire
season 1 for $15 on itunes. It’s cheaper than getting cable to watch. ;) Day
dreaming about luxury houses, purses, shoes, and clothes has become a problem for me. Honestly,
what would you expect from an engaged gal in a long distance relationship to a
hopeful ortho MS3? I’ve taken up Birkam Yoga to balance my thoughts! Haha.
regards to the lifestyle, the clip where Kari worked so hard to have a nice
night with her ortho hubby only to have him leave on call was refreshingly
realistic. “The chocolates will be gone”. Something I would say. I’m definitely
excited to see more episodes. Keep the drama coming!