Sunday, August 3, 2014

Diet and Fitness Routine

Simply put: I'm a sprinter when in comes to my diet and fitness routine. Short intense spurts of motivation and obsession are followed by long rest periods. About 4 months before our wedding I did crossfit 3x weekly coupled with the strictest form of Paleo diet known: the Whole30 program. 

No legumes. 
No dairy. 
No grains aka no rice or bread.
No added or artificial sugar or chemicals. 
No alcohol. 
Basically No fun...

Hello chicken, roast beef, tuna, green beans, broccoli, sweet potatoes, avocado, salsa, mashed cauliflower, eggs, sausage, bacon, black coffee, tea, water, pineapple, apples... repeat...repeat...repeat.

Right before my Bachelorette in May, I was a solid 114 pounds. (5'3")

For me this was a gain of 2lbs from appetite-drainning Match Day, yet down a total of 10lbs from New Years.  To be honest although the diet was hell, by week 3 of the Whole30 program I had more energy than ever before. My body felt clarified. Rings were loose. My brain was able to distinguish that a cheat meal would absolutely wreak my mood, skin, nails, and stomach. The diet became easier since my brain now "knew" better than to eat certain foods, however; it all change at the first bite of our wedding cake. All I could think of was sugar for 8 weeks after.

....People when I fall off the wagon, it's like being sucked into a black whole coming out 5lbs heavier and 2 inches thicker on each thigh. Further stress  of moving to a new city, closing on a house, and getting a new job pushed working out down on my priority list. It was on the flat out "I-don't-care" list AKA the section of my to-do list where I embarrassingly write things down only to feel more productive even though I NEVER do them.

I eat paleo about 60% of the time but I finally signed up for the local Crossfit gym and have been attending the classes. Yes, the classic "turtle who cant roll over" style of getting out of bed and off the couch was back the first week. My abs were tender to even touch. Note to self- DON'T STOP WORKING OUT. It hurts to start over.

Crossfit really is an addiction once you get going.

If you ever want to meet people, go to a class. People bombard you with kindness and encouragement... while getting your ass handed to you of course. Truth: everyone is high off their own endorphins. Everyone is proud of themselves and each other when the hour is up. You'll never receive so many high fives in your life. If you are looking to feel a part of a community, try crossfit.